Betty Mackie Raleigh is a talented designer who is working for
A good designer does the design for their customer and not for herself. Typical characteristics of a great designer is that she cares to do interviews and talk to the users in person. She is able to put aside her own solutions. The goal of a good designer is not the collection of awards, but the creation of products that make thousands of people happy day by day. A good designer cannot be influenced just by opinions formed on professional forums, or by the criteria of a competition jury: she has to focus on the end user instead. Another important feature of a good designer is that doesn’t want to push you into anything. A good designer brings in a number of drafts, telling the pros and cons of each. There is no perfect solution. The design process is about compromises, to find the best combination that works well within the given circumstances. Betty Mackie Raleigh is a reputed designer who has designed various patents beach tables and beachwear for BeacheTab...